Halloween: Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods

Halloween Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods (4)

Halloween is recognized as one of the most significant holidays in Western countries. Do you know the origins of this festival?

No.1  What is Halloween?

The official name of Halloween, a prevalent Western ritual known as “evil festivity,” is All Hallows’ Evening. The feast is generally observed on October 31, the day before the Christian festival of All Saints.
The celebration of Halloween marks the conclusion of the harvest and the arrival of the harsh winter. Depending on the nation, Halloween is now observed on both a large and small scale. On Halloween, a lot of people dress up as ghosts, go out in public together under the moonlight, and go to scary parties with elaborate decorations.

No.2  The origins of Halloween

The Celts, who lived more than 2000 years ago in the areas that are now England, Ireland, and northern France, are said to be the originators of Halloween.
On the eve of the new year, the Celts would frequently build a magnificent fire and dress in costumes in the hope that the line dividing the worlds of the living and the dead would blur and the spirits of the dead may return to earth. Wear costumes to fend off evil spirits or welcome family members “home” on this festival night.

No.3  The meaning of Halloween

Paying respects to the departed

Halloween Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods (3)
Halloween Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods 
Halloween is celebrated for the first time on All Saints Eve (1-11) and ends on All Souls Day (2-11). Three days straight are dedicated to remembering saints, whether they have attained paradise or not.
This day also serves as a memorial for departed loved ones. On Halloween, the ghosts of the deceased will be allowed to visit their loved ones. Roman Catholics think that earthly prayers might help souls quickly atone for their transgressions and return to God.

Drive away evil karma

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Halloween Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods

According to Celtic legend, October 31 marks the opening of hell and the easy crossing of the line separating life and death. They frequently turn off the fire to make the house feel cold and empty, as if no one is home, in an effort to scare off ghosts from the afterlife. They then proceed to circle the living area while appearing to be spirits or the deceased.

In addition, a Jack-related Irish legend is mentioned. When he was alive, he was exceedingly ungrateful, constantly hiding money and not giving it to anyone, so when he died, his spirit was forbidden from going to heaven. Furthermore, he was not caught playing with the devil when he was alive, so he is not qualified for hell.

Prior to that, a demon tried to destroy a neighborhood. The terrified citizens asked the monks for help, asking them to bring holy items to “cover” and “shut the doors,” which allowed the demon to be trapped. When Jack realized it was the demon he used to play with, he came up with plans to get rid of the “evil” thing and let the demon leave. In exchange for Jack returning the favor of saving his life, the devil swore to prevent Jack’s soul from entering hell.

Jack later died in an accident and entered hell after being rejected by heaven. The prior pledge, nevertheless, stopped the devil outside. The devil saw Jack’s current state of isolation and sorrow and took some flames, put them in the pumpkin’s gut, and handed it to Jack to stay warm. This may help to explain how pumpkins came to be associated with Halloween.

4. Halloween-inspired dishes

Pumpkin soup

An iconic image of Halloween is the pumpkin. Consequently, pumpkin dishes are necessary for this occasion. Pumpkin soup is one of them.
Depending on the region, there are different ways to prepare pumpkin soup, such as by boiling it with meat, lamb, or making a vegetarian version. Both adults and children will enjoy and benefit from this soup’s health.

Apple candy

Candy apples are among the fundamental Halloween treats. Since candy is required for Halloween, apple candy was created because, as the ancients noted, some regions of the United States harvest their apples in October.
To produce this candy, select fresh apples that have just been harvested, cover them in a layer of sweet syrup, and then, for ease of handling, insert a small stick through the apple’s core. Apple candies have a mysterious, dark brown appearance and a sweet, scrumptious flavor. They have a lot of attraction as well.

Corn candy

Candy corn, which was initially offered for sale in America in 1880 under the name “Chicken Feed,” is still popular with consumers today.
This may be the Halloween treat that divides people the most. People either fervently love it or abhor it due to its peculiar flavor, and it is a common topic of talk around Halloween and the end of the year.
Candy is primarily made with corn syrup, sugar, honey, and artificial colors. As suggested by the name, each candy has a triangular shape like a corn kernel after being separated from the core utilizing the hues white, orange, and yellow.

Potato mash with colcannon

Four essential ingredients make up the traditional Colcannon, a mashed potato dish: potatoes, butter, milk, and kale. The recipe for Colcannon is also from Ireland.
Today, a few additional ingredients can be added to this mashed potato dish to make it more appetizing, such as bacon, milk, butter, leeks, green onions, pepper, etc. This dish is essential for Halloween events in Western countries because of its delicious flavor and ease of preparation.

Soul cake

This cross-decorated round cookie with raisins is particularly well-liked around Halloween. This kind of cake is said to protect people from harm when the lost souls return if they eat it on the evening of October 31.
The expression “soul cake” is also derived from this idea. To heighten the spook element during Halloween, people frequently prepare soul cakes in the shape of skulls or ghosts, which makes the cake richer.

Barmbracks bread

Before being introduced to other continents, the Irish-born barmbrack bread, also known as brack, quickly rose to prominence around Halloween throughout all of Europe. The process for creating this bread, which is frequently baked in an oven, is not predetermined. The dough is made of dried fruits like grapes and raspberries and has a feel comparable to traditional bread.
Halloween Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods (1)
Halloween Origins, Meaning & 7 Traditions foods
It is customary to place something inside this cake on Halloween night, and some people view this as a form of fortune-telling that predicts the future.

Three items with the Barmbrack filling are mixed at random: a coin, a cloth, and a ring. Coins are a symbol of prosperity in business. However, the cloth stands for monetary trouble. The recipient’s romantic future is predicted by the ring, though.


Besides, Don’t forget to check out our website Corkyshirt for more about Halloween holiday gifts!

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